Monday, October 27, 2014

Laboratory 4 - Device Polling using Serial Communication and Terminal I/O

Click here to get a copy of the  Laboratory 4 - Device Polling using Serial Communication and Terminal I/O.

In order to be better prepared for this lab, read Chapter 4, sections 2 and 3, of the textbook before attempting any of the exercises in either the pre-lab or the lab.

UpdateYou are asked to have done the prelab before the lab as preparation, but you are not required to submit it before the lab; you'll submit the full report, including the prelab on the lab due date. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sample questions for Quiz 1

Click here to obtain a copy of sample questions for quiz 1.
Quiz #1 will be held on Monday Oct 20th, @3:35PM in the classroom.
Quiz #1 is postponed to Thursday Oct 23rd, @3:35PM in the classroom.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to use Subroutines in 6811 Assembly programming

Subroutines are similar to concept of functions in C/C++. In 6811, in order to call a subroutine you can use the instruction: JSR

So your code would be something like:

ORG $C000

; some initialization code

JSR stringLength

; more code ...
; e.g.
LDAA #$40

;further down in your code you define your subroutine

;; your subroutine code will go here
;; e.g.

RTS ; return from subroutine

The following video describes how to use and implement subroutines in 68HC11:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Running 32-bit Windows XP/Vista on VirtualBox

Allright, so I've been looking around for simplest option to get you up and running if you have a 64-bit machine that does not run the HC11 toolset. So as I mentioned in the class, you can use VirtualBox which is an Open Source software by Oracle.

  • go the following link and download the appropriate VirtualBox binary for your OS (yes, there is a version for Mac/OS X as well)
  • Once downloaded, install VirtualBox on your computer
  • Now that you have VirtualBox installed, go to following website that is hosted by Microsoft, and it provides you with variations of free and ready to go Virtual Machine appliances (e.g. 32 bit Windows XP or Windows 7) that you can download and use out-of-box, so you don't have to manually install XP or Vista on your VirtualBox:
    • Note that was introduced for browser testing that's why there is all kinds of flavours for different Internet Explorer IEs.
    • I selected Mac and downloaded XP for IE6, since it occupied less space on disk, and tested HC11 tools set successfully, it should be the same if you are running Windows machine.
    • Select a flavour of Windows & IE follow a few instructions to download the required file  (see example below for Windows: on the left you select you computer's OS, and read the instructions, on the right you'll select the version of Windows and a flavour of IE)

  • Once the files are downloaded and extracted, you should be able to download the files and it will automatically open using VirtualBox, and it will ask you to import the downloaded virtual machine. 

Note: The are commercial virtual machine software such as VMWare and Parallels Desktop, but VirtualBox works just as well, at least for what we need in this course.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

HC11 Tools: Editor, Assembler, Linker

MiniIDE is available in the lab for writing/build your assembly code, however I highly recommend using the following HC11 toolset made available by Dr. Larry Hughes. Please ensure to extract the zipped file in the root folder of your C drive, the tools may have some limitation when it comes to long file path. To help you through working with HC11 toolset, I've created a short video to walk through the process of using the assembler, linker, and loading the executable module into simulator: Download the video